Pokémon: Liquid Crystal has a wide range of awesome features for you to enjoy. The story is the same as the Original Crystal with a load of extra events and even a brand new region to explore. It’s a complete Pokémon Crystal Remake of the the GameBoy Color classic.

We’ll keep you posted next week on any progress we make.Liquid Crystal is a ROM Hack developed for the GameBoy Advanced system using FireRed as the base. Magnius can be found on YouTube and Myself, Linkandzelda and Jambo51 can all be individually found on Twitter where we can assist people on how to play the last beta. Beta 4 will be released by November at the latest. This wraps up the current goals for the team in our future development.

This means he’ll be helping with implementing things such as the Pokégear (when the time comes) and general improvements to existing ASM routines. Jambo51, is the programmer behind the more in-depth routines within the project. Magnius, our music editor is expected to remix a few more remixes and compose more original songs for the next beta – especially considering the fact that we’ll have day and night themes for songs based in real time.

I’ll have more to show on that next week when I’ll have a sample to show off - for now, this is more or less the existing tileset I created for the previous release. Currently, I’m in the middle of creating a completely new tileset with Microsoft Paint. This just makes it better for the people playing the same game from the beginning with every release. As the graphics designer and co-owner of the project, I try and make every game release look significantly better looking graphics-wise.